鎴戝徃閽堝浜у搧鍖呰闃蹭吉鍩轟簬RFID鎶€鏈爺鍙戠殑鏂版妧鏈幏寰楀浗瀹朵笓鍒╁眬鎺堟潈錛屼笓鍒╁彿錛?01821958256.3錛屽悕縐幫細銆婁竴縐嶅熀浜嶳FID鐨勪駭鍝佽寮€涓撳崠搴楄紺鴻拷婧爣璇嗐€嬨€侽ur company has been authorized by National Intellectual Property Administration to develop a new technology based on RFID technology for anti-counterfeiting of product packaging. The patent number is 201821958256.3, and the name is "A RFID-based warning traceability mark for products opened in exclusive stores銆?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
RFID杞儙綆$悊鐢靛瓙鏍囩浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction of RFID Tire Management Electronic Label鑺墖鍗忚Chip protocol錛欵PC Class1 Gen2,ISO18000-6c宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Working frequency錛?65-868MHz or 902-928MHzIC綾誨瀷IC type錛? ImpinJMOZAN4QT or customized鍐呭瓨Memory錛欵PC