浜旂浘縐戞妧涓昏浜у搧娑夊強闃蹭吉闃茬獪璐ц拷婧爣絳俱€丷FID瓚呴珮棰戠數瀛愭爣絳俱€丷FID楂橀鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆丷FID鍙岄鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆丷FID鐗╄姱涓€浣撳寲鍖呰銆丷FID鐗圭鏍囩銆丯FC鏅鴻兘鍔ㄦ€佸姞瀵嗚姱鐗囬槻浼爣絳俱€丯FC寮€鍚垽鏂姱鐗囬槻浼爣絳俱€丯FC鑺墖鏄撶鏍囩錛汵FC閫氱敤鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆丷FID鏅鴻兘鍗′互鍙婄浉搴旂殑綆$悊杞歡緋葷粺銆侀厤濂楁櫤鑳界‖浠剁瓑錛岀壒鍒槸鑺墖闃蹭吉琛屼笟錛屾垜鍙稿叿澶囨洿澶氳涓氶鍏堢殑鎶€鏈笌浜у搧錛屾嬈$敱鎴戝徃鐮斿彂鐨勨€?nbsp;涓€縐嶅熀浜嶯FC鐘舵€佽瘑鍒殑闃蹭吉鑳跺附鈥濊幏寰楀浗瀹剁煡璇嗕駭鏉冨眬棰佸彂鐨勫疄鐢ㄦ柊鍨嬩笓鍒╄瘉涔?涓撳埄鍙鳳細ZL 2019 2 0978366.4銆?/span>
The main products of Five Shield Science and Technology involve anti-counterfeiting anti-counterfeit tracking tags, RFID ultra-high frequency electronic tags, RFID high frequency electronic tags, RFID dual-frequency electronic tags, RFID integrated packaging, RFID special tags, NFC smart dynamic encryption chip anti-counterfeit tags, NFC activation judgment chip anti-counterfeit tags, NFC chip fragile tags. NFC universal electronic tags, RFID smart cards and corresponding management software systems, supporting intelligent hardware, etc., especially in the chip anti-counterfeiting industry, our company has more industry-leading technologies and products. The "anti-counterfeiting rubber cap based on NFC status identification" developed by our company this time has obtained a utility model patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office, with patent number ZL 2019 2 0978366.4.