To improve the safety response ability, tracing to the source
榪芥函浣撶郴瀵歸鍝佺敓浜ф祦閫氱幆鑺傘€佸姞宸ュ伐搴忚繘琛屽叏嫻佺▼鐩戠錛屼嬌椋熷搧瀹夊叏鍙樺緱鏇村彲鎺с€傚綋浜у搧鍑虹幇闂鏃訛紝鍙互鏍規嵁璁板綍鐨勮妭鐐逛俊鎭揩閫熸壘鍑洪棶棰樼殑鏍規簮錛屾壘鍑烘槸鍝釜宸ュ簭鎴栫幆鑺傚瓨鍦ㄩ棶棰橈紝瀵歸棶棰樿繘琛屽墫鏋愭敼榪涖€傚彟澶栧浜庢祦鍏ュ競鍦虹殑浜у搧錛屽彲浠ュ揩閫熷彫鍥烇紝閬垮厤閫犳垚鏇村ぇ鐨勫嵄瀹籌紝鍙婃椂姝㈡崯淇濇姢鍝佺墝鐨勫叕淇″姏銆傞噸搴嗚拷婧?閲嶅簡闃蹭吉The traceability system regulates the whole process of food production, circulation and processing, making food safety more controllable. When a product has a problem, the root of the problem can be quickly found out according to the recorded node information, which process or link has the problem, and the problem can be analyzed and improved. In addition, products that enter the market can be recalled quickly to avoid greater harm and stop loss in time to protect the credibility of the brand. Chongqing Traces Chongqing Anti - counterfeiting
Quickly Distinguish Authenticity and Enhance Brand Image
娑堣垂鑰呭彲浠ユ壂鎻忚拷婧簩緇寸爜浜嗚В浜у搧鐨勮拷婧俊鎭互鍙婃煡璇㈢湡浼紝閬垮厤鍋囧啋浼姡浜у搧褰卞搷浼佷笟鐨勫艦璞°€傚悓鏃訛紝闅忕潃浜轟滑瀵逛駭鍝佺煡鎯呮潈鐨勮瘔姹傝秺鏉ヨ秺寮虹儓錛屼駭鍝佹湁浜嗚拷婧俊鎭兘澶熻娑堣垂鑰呮洿鏀懼績錛屽鍝佺墝鏇翠俊璧栵紝榪芥函淇℃伅瀵逛簬寤虹珛娑堣垂鑰呯殑淇′換鍩虹寤虹珛鏈夌潃閲嶈鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ€侰onsumers can scan and trace the two-dimensional code to know the tracing information of the products and check the authenticity, so as to avoid fake and inferior products affecting the image of the enterprise. At the same time, with people's demand for the right to know more and more strongly, products with traceability information can make consumers feel more at ease and trust the brand more. Traceability information plays an important role in building the trust foundation of consumers.
Prevent goods from fleeing from other places and ensure dealers' income.
鏈変簺浜у搧鍏鋒湁鍦板煙淇濇姢絳夋帾鏂斤紝涓€浜涚粡閿€鍟嗕負浜嗚禋鍙栨洿澶х殑鍒╂鼎鎭舵剰紿滆揣鎵頒貢甯傚満绔炰簤錛岃嚧浣夸紒涓氶儴鍒嗙粡閿€鍟嗘祦澶辮漿鍋氱珵鍝佺殑鎯呭喌緇忓父鍙戠敓錛屽ぇ澶у獎鍝嶄簡浼佷笟姝e父鐨勫彂灞曘€傚姝わ紝浼佷笟榪樻病鏈夋湁鏁堢殑鏂規硶鍘繪帶鍒訛紝浣嗕駭鍝侀檮涓婅拷婧簩緇寸爜鍚庯紝浼佷笟鍙互蹇€熷噯紜殑鑾風煡浜у搧鐨勫競鍦烘祦閫氱姸鍐碉紝闃叉紿滆揣錛屼粠鑰屼繚鎶ゅ悇鍦扮粡閿€鍟嗙殑鍒╃泭錛岄伩鍏嶆伓鎬х珵浜夈€係ome products have regional protection and other measures. Some dealers maliciously flee goods to disturb market competition in order to earn more profits, resulting in the frequent turnover of some dealers to competing products, which greatly affects the normal development of enterprises. To this, the enterprise has no effective method to control, but after the product is attached with tracing two-dimensional code, the enterprise can quickly and accurately know the market circulation status of the product, prevent the goods from fleeing, thus protecting the interests of dealers everywhere and avoiding vicious competition.
Realizing Standardized Production and Promoting Enterprise Competitiveness
鍏ㄩ摼鏉$殑鍟嗗搧榪芥函鏈嶅姟榪樺寘鎷搧鎺ф湇鍔★紝灝嗕駭鍝佸搧璐ㄧ鎺с€佺敓浜?縐嶆嫻佺▼鐩戠鍙婁繚闄╃悊璧旀繁搴︾粨鍚堛€傞€氳繃瀵逛紒涓氫笌浜у搧鐨勬煡鏍稿強媯€楠岋紝淇濊瘉浼佷笟涓諱綋璧勮川涓庝駭鍝佽川閲忥紝瀵逛駭鍝佺敓浜?縐嶆榪囩▼榪涜閲嶈鑺傜偣綆℃帶錛屽茍閫氳繃鍥介檯絎笁鏂圭殑涓撲笟鎶ュ憡錛屽浼佷笟涓庝駭鍝佸瓨鍦ㄧ殑闂榪涜鍓栨瀽涓庤緟瀵鹼紝鎻愬崌浼佷笟鑷韓鍐呴儴綆℃帶姘村鉤錛屽疄鐜頒紒涓氳鑼冨寲綆$悊錛屽茍閫氳繃淇濋櫓涓氬姟榪涜椋庨櫓縐昏漿銆備粠鍐呭強澶栫殑鎵撻€犱紒涓氱珵浜夊姏錛屾彁鍗囦駭鍝佷環鍊鹼紝甯﹀姩甯傚満閿€鍞紝瀹炵幇鍝佺墝鍖栬繘紼嬨€俆he whole chain of commodity traceability services also includes quality control services, which combine product quality control, production / planting process supervision and insurance claim settlement in depth. Through the inspection and inspection of enterprises and products, the qualification of enterprises and product quality are ensured, the important node control of the production / planting process of products is carried out, and the problems existing in enterprises and products are analyzed and counselled through professional reports of international third parties, so as to improve the internal control level of enterprises, realize standardized management of enterprises, and carry out risk transfer through insurance business. From inside and outside to build enterprise competitiveness, enhance product value, drive market sales and realize the branding process.
Get market data and formulate production strategies
浼佷笟鍙互閫氳繃娑堣垂鑰呬嬌鐢ㄥ晢鍝佺殑榪芥函鍔熻兘鑾峰緱搴炲ぇ鐨勬暟鎹噺錛屽浼佷笟鐨勭敓浜ц鍒掑拰钀ラ攢絳栫暐鏈夋瀬澶х殑鍙傝€冧環鍊箋€傞ギ鏂欑敓浜т紒涓氶€氳繃钀ラ攢媧誨姩鍚稿紩娑堣垂鑰呮壂鐮侊紝灝辮兘鑾風煡鎵爜鐨勫湴鐐癸紝嬈℃暟錛屼駭鍝佸瀷鍙鳳紝鍙e懗絳変俊鎭紝浼佷笟鍙互鐭ラ亾鏌愪釜鍦板煙鐨勬秷璐硅€呭枩嬈㈠摢縐嶅彛鍛籌紝浠€涔堝瀷鍙鳳紝璐拱澶氬皯絳変俊鎭紝甯姪浼佷笟璋冩暣浜у搧鐨勮惀閿€絳栫暐錛屽悓鏃朵篃鑳界簿紜帹綆楀嚭楗搧鐨勯攢閲忥紝鍚勫湴緇忛攢鍟嗙殑鍘嬭揣鎯呭喌錛屼粠鑰岃皟鏁寸敓浜ц繘搴︼紝閬垮厤鍑虹幇鐢熶駭榪囧婊為攢鎴栦駭鑳戒笉瓚蟲柇璐х殑鎯呭喌銆傞噸搴嗚拷婧?閲嶅簡闃蹭吉Enterprises can obtain a large amount of data through the tracing function of consumers' use of commodities, which is of great reference value to the production planning and marketing strategies of enterprises. Beverage manufacturers attract consumers to scan the codes through marketing activities, so that they can know the location, number of times, product type, taste and other information of the codes scanned. Enterprises can know which flavor, what type, how much and other information consumers like in a certain region, so as to help enterprises adjust the marketing strategy of the products. At the same time, they can also accurately calculate the sales volume of beverages and the pressure of distributors in various regions, thus adjusting the production schedule and avoiding the situation that the products are out of stock due to excessive slow sales or insufficient production capacity. Chongqing Traces Chongqing Anti - counterfeiting