閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃寮€鍙戠殑400鍏ㄥ浗鍟嗗搧闃蹭吉榪芥函騫沖彴緇熶竴鍏嶈垂鏌ヨ涓撶敤鍙風爜宸蹭簬2017騫?鏈?0鏃ュ畨瑁呰皟璇曞畬姣曞茍涓婄嚎錛岄€氳繃5涓湀鐨?4灝忔椂涓嶉棿鏂祴璇曪紝璇ョ郴緇熸瀬鍏剁ǔ瀹氾紝鍏墮棿鏈嚭鐜頒換浣曞紓甯搞€傚眾鏃訛紝娑堣垂鑰呭彲浠ユ斁蹇冮€氳繃400-9998-315鍏ㄥ浗鍏嶈垂闃蹭吉鏌ヨ鐢佃瘽榪涜鍟嗗搧闃蹭吉鏌ヨ鏈嶅姟銆傚鏈変換浣曠枒闂紝鍙嫧鎵撲簲鐩劇鎶€24灝忔椂*7澶╃殑鍏ㄥ浗鏈嶅姟鐑嚎15310912365榪涜涓氬姟鍜屾妧鏈挩璇€備簲鐩劇鎶€灝嗕竴鐩寸鎵庫€滃潥瀹堝尃蹇冪簿紲烇紝绱ф寔鍒涙柊鎰忚瘑錛屽媷浜庤拷姹傚崜瓚婏紝鍔涙眰澶氭柟鍏辮耽鈥濈殑浼佷笟瀹楁棬绔瘹涓烘偍鏈嶅姟錛?/span>The 400 national commodity anti-counterfeiting tracing platform developed by Chongqing wudun science and technology co., ltd. has been installed and debugged on July 20, 2017, and has been put on line. after 5 months of 24 - hour continuous testing, the system is extremely stable without any abnormalities. At that time, consumers can rest assured that they can use the 400 - 9998 - 315 national toll-free anti-counterfeiting inquiry telephone to provide anti-counterfeiting inquiry services. If you have any questions, you can call the 24 - hour * 7 - day national service hotline 15310912365 for business and technical consultation. Wu Dun Science and Technology will always adhere to the corporate tenet of " sticking to the spirit of ingenuity, keeping a firm sense of innovation, bravely pursuing excellence and striving for win-win results in all fields" and serve you wholeheartedly.