鏂板勾浼婂錛屼竾璞℃洿鏂般€傞噸搴嗕簲鐩劇鎶€鏈夐檺鍏徃浜?018騫?鏈?2鏃ワ紝鍐滃巻姝f湀鍒濅竷姝e紡寮€宸ヨ惀涓氬暒錛屽湪榪欓噷鍏徃鍏ㄤ綋鍚屼粊鎭鍏ㄥ浗鍚堜綔浼欎即銆佷紒涓氭湅鍙嬪湪鏂扮殑涓€騫撮噷錛岃韓浣撳仴搴楓€佷竾浜嬪鎰忥紒鐢熸剰鍏撮殕銆佽儲婧愬箍榪涳紒澶у悏澶у埄錛岀嫍騫磋澶ц繍錛侊紒錛丄t the beginning of the new year, everything is new. Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. officially started its business on February 22, 2018, the 7th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. all colleagues here wish all partners and business friends in the country good health and good luck in the new year. Business is booming and financial resources are plentiful! Good luck, good luck in the year of the dog! !
鍗蟲棩璧鳳紝鎴戝徃鍏ㄤ綋鍚屼粊灝嗘捀璧瘋瀛愩€佸叡鍚屾惡鎵嬨€佺灝藉叏鍔涗負鍚勪紒涓氬疄鐜頒駭鍝侀槻浼€佽拷鏍規函婧愩€佹笭閬撻槻紿溿€佹櫤鑳藉姪閿€銆佹櫤鎱т粨鍌ㄧ瓑銆備負浼佷笟鍝佺墝淇濋┚鎶よ埅錛侊紒錛丗rom now on, all colleagues in our company will roll up their sleeves, join hands and make every effort to realize product anti - counterfeiting, tracing to the source, channel anti - channeling, intelligent sales assistance and intelligent storage for all enterprises. To protect the enterprise brand! ! !
24-hour service hotline灝忔椂鏈嶅姟鐑嚎錛?5310912365