浜岀淮鐮佺數鍖栭摑闃蹭吉鍨墖Two - dimensional code anodized aluminum anti-counterfeiting gasket1銆佹爣絳句俊鎭寲錛氶€氳繃鍔犺澆鍙彉鏁版嵁錛屽湪淇冮攢鍏戝鏃舵煡璇紝瀹炵幇闃蹭吉楠岃瘉錛汱abel Informationization: By loading variable data and inquiring in the promotion and awarding process, anti-counterfeiting verification can be realized;2銆佷俊鎭數鍖栭摑鐡剁洊錛屽交搴曡В鍐充簡鏍囩浜屾杞Щ鐨勯毦棰橈紱The information electrochemical aluminum bottle cap completely solves the problem of label secondary transfer.3銆?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
璇ヤ駭鍝佹槸鍏ㄦ伅瀹氫綅鐑笌浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼妧鏈殑緇撳悎錛屼竴琚嬩竴鐮佺殑鐢靛寲閾濆叏鎭縺鍏変俊鎭彲鎸夊鎴烽渶姹傚畾鍒訛紝澧炲姞鍖呰?。娆$殑鍚屾椨灱岄槻浼晥鏋滄瀬浣冲Q岄攢鍞€呬篃鑳藉緢杞繪澗鐨勮瘑鍒€俆his product is a combination of holographic positioning ironing and two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technology. One bag of aluminum carbide holographic laser information can be customized according to the customer's requirements, and the anti-counterfeiting effect is excellent while the packaging grade is increa