璇ヤ駭鍝佹槸寤虹珛鍦ㄤ紶緇熷嵃鍒鋒柟寮忓熀紜€涔嬩笂鐨勪竴縐嶉槻浼墜孌碉紝鍏朵笉澧炲姞鎴愭湰錛屾病鏈夋敼鍙樺叾鍥烘湁鐨勫瑙傜壒鐐癸紝楠岃瘉鏂瑰紡綆€鍗曪紝涓旂粡楠岃瘉涔嬪悗涓嶈兘鍐嶈繘琛屼簩嬈′嬌鐢紝鍏鋒湁涓€嬈℃€х牬鍧忓紡鐨勯槻浼晥鏋滐紝澶уぇ鎻愰珮浜嗛槻浼姏搴︺€?nbsp;The product is an anti-counterfeiting method based on the traditional printing method, does not increase the cost, does not change the inherent appearance characteristics, has a simple verification method, cannot be used again after verification, has a one-time destructive anti-counterfeiting ef
闃呰璇︾粏璇ヤ駭鍝佸湪浼犵粺鍗板埛鏂瑰紡鍩虹涔嬩笂錛岀粨鍚堢幇浠e厛榪涜綆楁満鎶€鏈殑楂樼鏅鴻兘闃蹭吉浜у搧銆傝浜у搧鍏跺姛鑳芥€ф洿鍔犱漢鎬у寲錛屽叾闃蹭吉鎵嬫鏂伴涓斿疄鐢紝閫犲亣鑰呴毦浠ヤ豢鍒訛紝鍦ㄩ槻浼墜孌靛垱鏂扮殑鍚屾椂涓婂ぇ澶ф彁楂樹簡浜у搧鐨勯槻浼姏搴︺€俆his product is a high-tech intelligent anti-counterfeiting product based on the traditional printing method and combined with modern advanced computer technology. The product is more humanized in functionality, novel and practical in anti-counterfeiting means, difficult for counterfeiters to copy, an
闃呰璇︾粏璇ヤ駭鍝佹槸鍏ㄦ伅瀹氫綅鐑笌浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼妧鏈殑緇撳悎錛屼竴琚嬩竴鐮佺殑鐢靛寲閾濆叏鎭縺鍏変俊鎭彲鎸夊鎴烽渶姹傚畾鍒訛紝澧炲姞鍖呰?。娆$殑鍚屾椨灱岄槻浼晥鏋滄瀬浣冲Q岄攢鍞€呬篃鑳藉緢杞繪澗鐨勮瘑鍒€俆his product is a combination of holographic positioning ironing and two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technology. One bag of aluminum carbide holographic laser information can be customized according to the customer's requirements, and the anti-counterfeiting effect is excellent while the packaging grade is increa
闃呰璇︾粏鏍規嵁瀹㈡埛鐨勮姹傝繘琛屽叏鎭槻浼浘妗堢殑璁捐錛屽皢鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉鍥炬鍒朵綔鎴愮儷鍗扮當錛屽畾浣嶇儷鍗板埌鍖呰鐩掔殑鍒跺畾浣嶇疆銆侫ccording to the customer's requirements, the holographic anti-counterfeiting pattern is designed, the holographic anti-counterfeiting pattern is made into hot stamping foil, and the hot stamping is positioned at the designated position of the packaging box.鐗圭偣Features錛氬叏鎭浘妗堝彲鎸夌収闇€姹傝繘琛屼釜鎬у寲鐨勮璁★紝騫朵笖铻嶅悎澶氱鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉鎶€鏈紝鍦ㄥ鍔犻槻浼€ц兘鐨勫悓鏃訛紝鎻愬崌浜у搧鐨勭編瑙?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
璇ヤ駭鍝佸湪浼犵粺鍗板埛鐨勫熀紜€涓婏紝緇撳悎鏁扮爜鍗板埛錛岄槻浼妧鏈鉤鍙幫紝瀹炵幇浜嗗崟涓駭鍝佺殑鐗╂祦鏌ヨ鍔熻兘錛屽彲騫挎硾鐨勭敤浜庤嵂鍝併€佺儫銆侀厭銆佸寲濡嗗搧絳変腑楂樻。鐗╁搧鍖呰銆侽n the basis of traditional printing, combined with digital printing and anti-counterfeiting technology platform, the product realizes the logistics inquiry function of a single product, and can be widely used for packaging medium and high-grade goods such as medicines, cigarettes, wine, cosmetics, etc.
闃呰璇︾粏璇ヤ駭鍝佸彲浠庝笉鍚岃搴﹁瀵熷埌澶氫釜闃蹭吉淇℃伅錛岃鎶€鏈宸ヨ壓鎶€鏈姹傝緝楂橈紝閫犲亣鑰呴毦浠ヤ豢鍒訛紝璧峰埌浜嗚壇濂界殑闃蹭吉鏁堟灉銆俆he product can observe a plurality of anti-counterfeiting information from different angles, and the technology has higher requirements on the process technology, and counterfeiters are difficult to copy, thus playing a good anti-counterfeiting effect.
闃呰璇︾粏璇ヤ駭鍝佷富瑕佽В鍐充簡鑽搧鍖呰鐩掕〃闈㈢粡榪囬暛灝勯槻浼鐞嗕箣鍚庯紝鑽搧鐢靛瓙鐩戠鐮佺駭鍒笉紼沖畾鐨勯毦棰橈紝澶уぇ鎻愰珮浜嗗鎴鋒弧鎰忓害銆俆he product mainly solves the problem that the electronic supervision code level of drugs is unstable after laser anti-counterfeiting treatment on the surface of the drug packaging box, and greatly improves customer satisfaction.
闃呰璇︾粏浜岀淮鐮侊紝涓庢垜鍏徃鍏ㄥ浗鐗╂祦闃蹭吉綆$悊騫沖彴寤虹珛鏌ヨ鍏崇郴錛屽疄鐜板浜у搧鐨勪俊鎭寲綆$悊銆傦紙涔熷彲浠ラ摼鎺ョ敤鎴風殑緗戠粶騫沖彴錛夋煡璇㈡柟渚匡紝閫氳繃鎵嬫満鎷嶇爜鍗沖彲瀹炵幇鏌ヨ闃蹭吉銆俆wo - dimensional code, and our company's national logistics anti-counterfeiting management platform to establish a query relationship, to achieve information management of products. ( You can also link the user's network platform )It is convenient to inquire and can realize anti-counterfeiting inquiry through cell phon
闃呰璇︾粏鈾€ 杞歡宸ョ▼寮€鍙戝笀Software development engineer宀椾綅鑱岃矗Job responsibilities錛?.璐熻矗緙栧啓鏁版嵁涓績鍚庡彴鏁版嵁澶勭悊紼嬪簭錛屽鏁版嵁鎶藉彇錛岃漿鎹紝鍒嗘瀽錛屽鐞嗭紝鍏ュ簱絳塀e responsible for compiling data processing programs in the background of the data center, such as data extraction, conversion, analysis, processing, warehousing, etc2.璐熻矗鍚庡彴鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽錛?nbsp;Responsible for background data analysis;3.璐熻矗鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽騫沖彴鎬ц兘浼樺寲錛?nbsp;Be responsible for the performance optimization of the