NFC 楂橀HF INLAY NFC 鐢辨仼鏅烘鄲鍗婂浣撳拰绱㈠凹鐢靛瓙鍏卞悓鐮斿彂鐨凬FC鏄竴涓皠棰戣瘑鍒紙RFID錛夌殑鐗規畩闂ㄧ被銆侼FC鍦?3.56 MHz涓嬭繍琛岋紝涓斿姞鍏ョ偣瀵圭偣閫氫俊鎶€鏈悗錛屾墽琛岃澶氫笌RFID 鏍囩鍜岄潪鎺ヨЕ寮忔櫤鑳藉崱鐩稿悓鐨勫姛鑳姐€侼FC, jointly developed by NXP Semiconductors and Sony Electronics, is a special category of Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ). NFC operates at 13.56 MHz and performs many of the same functions as RFID tags and contactless smart cards with the addition of point-to-
闃呰璇︾粏RFID 闃茶漿縐繪槗紕庢爣絳句粙緇嶏細Introduction of RFID Anti - transfer Fragile Label錛?nbsp;鏄撶涓嶅共鑳舵爣絳炬槸涓€縐嶉槻鎻槗鎹熺殑RFID鏍囩褰㈠紡錛屽鐢ㄤ簬闃蹭吉棰嗗煙銆傚畠鐢變笉騫茶兌鐨勫簳綰搞€佹槗紕庨潰綰稿拰涓棿鐨勮兌灞傚拰RFID澶╃嚎灞傜粍鎴愶紝浜у搧鏌旇蔣杞昏杽錛屾柟渚跨矘璐達紝闈㈡潗涓烘槗紕庣焊鎴栬€呮槗紕庤啘錛屽彲鍗板埛錛岃兘鎵歸噺鐢熶駭鍜屾壒閲忔墦鍗幫紝浣嗕竴鏃﹁創浜庤璐寸墿鍚庡啀鎻笅鏉ュ氨浼氬鑷村ぉ綰垮拰闈㈡潗鎹熷潖錛屾爣絳懼け鍘昏鍐欏姛鑳斤紝鍥犺€岃揪鍒伴槻浼€侀槻鎻殑鐩殑銆侳ragile self-adhesive label is a form of RFID label that can resist being torn off and easily damaged, which is mostly used in the anti-counterfeiting field. It consists of ad
闃呰璇︾粏鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮鏂規Tracing scheme錛氬啘鑽槸涓庡啘姘戝ぉ澶╂墦浜ら亾鐨勪駭鍝侊紝鑰屼粬浠張鏄ぞ浼氭渶鍩虹鐨勫姵鍔ㄤ漢姘戯紝鏂囧寲紼嬪害涓嶉珮錛屽鏄撲笂褰撳彈楠椼€傚亣鍐掑啘鑽€佷互嬈″厖濂姐€佸伔鎹㈠寘瑁呯瓑闂姣旀瘮鐨嗘槸銆傚浣曡鍐滄埛綆€鍗曞揩鎹風殑杈ㄨ瘑浜у搧鐪熶吉錛岃浼佷笟鏈夋晥鎺у埗娓犻亾紿滆揣鍛紵Pesticides are products that deal with farmers every day, and they are the most basic working people in society, with a low education level and easy to be cheated. There are many problems such as fake pesticides, shoddy use of pesticides, and packaging theft. How can farmers simp
闃呰璇︾粏鈾€ 杞歡宸ョ▼寮€鍙戝笀Software development engineer宀椾綅鑱岃矗Job responsibilities錛?.璐熻矗緙栧啓鏁版嵁涓績鍚庡彴鏁版嵁澶勭悊紼嬪簭錛屽鏁版嵁鎶藉彇錛岃漿鎹紝鍒嗘瀽錛屽鐞嗭紝鍏ュ簱絳塀e responsible for compiling data processing programs in the background of the data center, such as data extraction, conversion, analysis, processing, warehousing, etc2.璐熻矗鍚庡彴鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽錛?nbsp;Responsible for background data analysis;3.璐熻矗鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽騫沖彴鎬ц兘浼樺寲錛?nbsp;Be responsible for the performance optimization of the