闃茬獪璐х墿嫻佸鏍囦粙緇嶏細 鐗╂祦濂楁爣緇撳悎浜嗘暟鐮侀槻浼郴緇燂紝浠ヨ綆楁満淇℃伅鎶€鏈負鍩虹騫惰繍鐢ㄤ簡鐜頒唬瀵嗙爜瀛︽妧鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈艦鎴愮殑鏂板瀷楂樼鎶€闃蹭吉鎶€鏈紝涔熸槸褰撲粖紺句細鍏鐨勪竴縐嶆渶鏈夋晥銆佹渶瀹夊叏銆佹渶瀹炵敤鐨勯槻浼妧鏈€侺ogistics package label combines digital anti-counterfeiting system, based on computer information technology and using modern cryptography and communication technology to form a new high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology, which is also recognized as the most effective, safe and practical anti
闃呰璇︾粏鍖哄煙闃茬獪璐ф爣璇嗗悓鏍蜂互闃蹭吉鏍囦負鍩烘湰杞戒綋錛屼負涓嶅悓鍖哄煙浠ヤ唬鐮佹垨鎸囧畾絎﹀彿浣滀負鍖哄垎銆俆he regional anti-counterfeit mark is also used as the basic carrier, and codes or designated symbols are used to distinguish different regions.琛ㄧ幇褰㈠紡涓€錛氭祦姘寸爜褰㈠紡鍦ㄩ槻浼爣涓婃爣娉?000000001-99999999999鐨勬祦姘寸爜錛屼駭鍝佸嚭搴撴椂璁板綍浜у搧嫻佸悜鍗曚綅鍙婃墍瀵瑰簲鐨勪駭鍝佹祦姘寸爜鍖洪棿鍗沖彲銆侲xpression Form I: Pipeline Code FormThe anti-counterfeiting label is marked with the flow code of 000000001 - 99999999, and the flow unit of the