婧簮浣撶郴瑙i噴Interpretation of traceability system
鎵€璋撶殑婧簮錛屽叾瀹炲氨鏄竴縐嶅彲榪芥函浣撶郴錛屽氨鏄€滄牴鎹垨鍒╃敤宸茶褰曠殑鏍囪瘑(榪欑鏍囪瘑瀵規瘡涓€鎵逛駭鍝侀兘鍏鋒湁鍞竴鎬э紝鍗蟲爣璇嗗拰琚拷婧璞¢棿鏄竴涓€瀵瑰簲鍏崇郴錛屽悓鏃訛紝鏍囪瘑宸蹭綔涓鴻褰曡淇濆瓨)榪芥函浜у搧鐨勫巻鍙?濡傝浜у搧鐨勫師鏉愭枡絳?銆佸簲鐢ㄦ儏鍐點€佹墍澶勫満鎵€鎴栫被浼間駭鍝佹垨媧誨姩鐨勮兘鍔涖€傗€漈he so-called traceability is actually a traceability system, which is " the ability to trace back the history ( such as the raw materials of the product ), application, location or similar products or activities of the product according to or using the recorded marks ( which are unique to each batch of products, i.e. there is a one-to-one correspondence between the marks and the traced objects, and at the same time, the marks have been saved as records )."
鍙拷婧寘鎷?涓€斿緞錛氳窡韙?Tracking)鍜岃拷婧?Tracing)銆傝窡韙寚鐨勬槸浜у搧浠庝緵搴旈摼鐨勪笂娓歌嚦涓嬫父鐨勬鍚戞祦閫氾紝璺熼殢涓€涓壒瀹氱殑鍗曞厓鎴栦竴鎵逛駭鍝佽繍琛岃礬寰勭殑鑳藉姏銆傝拷婧垯鏄寚浜у搧浠庝緵搴旈摼涓嬫父鑷充笂娓哥殑閫嗗悜嫻侀€氾紝鍗寵瘑鍒竴涓壒瀹氱殑鍗曞厓鎴栦竴鎵逛駭鍝佹潵婧愮殑鑳藉姏錛屽氨鏄€氳繃璁板綍鏍囪瘑鐨勬柟娉曞洖婧煇涓疄浣撴潵鍘嗐€佺敤閫斿拰浣嶇疆鐨勮兘鍔涖€俆raceability includes two ways: Tracking and Tracing. Tracking refers to the ability of products to flow forward from upstream to downstream of the supply chain and follow a specific unit or batch of products. Tracing refers to the reverse circulation of products from downstream to upstream of the supply chain, that is, the ability to identify the source of a specific unit or batch of products, that is, the ability to trace back the origin, use and location of an entity by recording identification.
婧簮浣撶郴瀹氫箟Definition of traceability system
鍥介檯鏍囧噯鍖栫粍緇?ISO)鎶婂彲榪芥函鎬х殑姒傚康瀹氫箟涓猴細閫氳繃鐧昏鐨勮瘑鍒爜錛屽鍟嗗搧鎴栬涓虹殑鍘嗗彶鍜屼嬌鐢ㄦ垨浣嶇疆浜堜互榪借釜鐨勮兘鍔涖€傚緩绔嬬浉搴旂殑榪芥函浣撶郴錛岀‘淇濆嚭鐜板畨鍏ㄨ川閲忛棶棰樻椂鑳藉榪芥湰婧簮錛屾壘鍑洪棶棰樼棁緇撴墍鍦紝鍙婃椂瑙e喅銆傚皢浜у搧綰沖叆榪芥函浣撶郴鐨勪袱鏉¢€斿緞鏄細涓€鏉℃寜鐓т駭涓氶摼浠庡墠寰€鍚庤繘琛岃拷韙紙Tracking錛夛紝鍗充粠鍘熺伯縐嶆鍩哄湴銆佹敹璐晢銆佽繍杈撳晢銆佸姞宸ヤ紒涓氥€佸埌閿€鍞晢銆傝繖縐嶆柟娉曚富瑕佺敤浜庢煡鎵捐川閲忓畨鍏ㄩ棶棰樼殑鍘熷洜錛岀‘瀹氫駭鍝佺殑鍘熶駭鍦板拰鐗瑰緛錛涘彟涓€縐嶆槸鎸夐鍝侀摼浠庡悗寰€鍓嶈繘琛岃拷婧紙Tracing錛夛紝涔熷氨鏄秷璐硅€呰喘涔扮殑浜у搧鍙戠幇浜嗚川閲忛棶棰橈紝鍙互灞傚眰鍙嶅悜榪涜榪芥函錛屾渶緇堢‘瀹氶棶棰樻墍鍦ㄣ€傝繖縐嶆柟娉曚富瑕佺敤浜庨棶棰樹駭鍝佸彫鍥炲拰璐d換鐨勮拷婧€俆he International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) defines the concept of traceability as the ability to track the history and use or location of goods or behaviors through registered identification codes. Establish a corresponding traceability system to ensure that safety and quality problems can be traced back to the source, find out the crux of the problem and solve it in time. There are two ways to bring products into the traceability system: one is to Tracking them from the beginning to the end according to the industrial chain, i.e. from the original grain planting base, acquirers, transporters, processing enterprises and distributors. This method is mainly used to find out the causes of quality and safety problems and determine the origin and characteristics of products. The other is Tracing from the back to the front according to the food chain, that is, if a quality problem is found in a product purchased by a consumer, tracing can be carried out in reverse layers to finally determine the problem. This method is mainly used for recalling defective products and tracing responsibilities.
椋熷搧鍙拷婧綋緋伙紝灝辨槸涓轟簡瀵歸鍝佸疄鐜頒粠鍐滅敯鍒伴妗屽叏閮ㄨ繃紼嬬殑鏈夋晥鎺у埗,淇濊瘉椋熷搧鐨勮川閲忓畨鍏ㄨ€屽疄鏂界殑瀵歸鍝佽川閲忕殑鍏ㄧ▼鐩戞帶銆傚鏋滃彂鐜版煇縐嶉鍝佸瓨鍦ㄩ棶棰橈紝鐩戠鏈哄叧鍙互閫氳繃鐢佃剳璁板綍寰堝揩鏌ユ壘鍒伴鍝佺殑鏉ユ簮銆備竴鏃﹀彂鐢熼噸澶ч鍝佸畨鍏ㄤ簨鏁咃紝涓葷閮ㄩ棬鍙互绔嬪嵆寮€灞曡皟鏌ュ茍紜畾鍙兘鍙椾簨鏁呭獎鍝嶇殑鑼冨洿銆佷簨鏁呯殑鍗卞紼嬪害錛屽強鏃墮€氱煡鍏紬騫剁揣鎬ュ彫鍥炲凡嫻侀€氱殑闂椋熷搧,鍦ㄥ叏鍥借寖鍥村唴緇熺瀹夋帓鎺у埗浜嬫€佸彂灞曪紝鏈€澶ч檺搴﹀湴淇濇姢鍏紬韜綋鍋ュ悍鍜岀敓鍛藉畨鍏ㄣ€傞鍝佸氨鍍忔湁浜嗚嚜宸辯殑鈥滆韓浠借瘉鈥濓紝鍙灝嗛鍝佽韓涓婄殑鏉″艦鐮佸湪POS鏈轟笂榪涜鎵弿錛屾垜浠氨鍙拷婧埌椋熷搧鐨勫嚭浜у湴銆佺敓闀垮湴鐢氳嚦鍩哄洜絳夋儏鍐點€侳ood traceability system is the whole process of monitoring food quality in order to effectively control the whole process of food from farmland to dining table and ensure food quality and safety. If there is a problem with a certain food, the regulatory authority can quickly find the source of the food through computer records. In the event of a major food safety accident, the competent department can immediately carry out an investigation and determine the scope of the possible impact of the accident and the degree of harm caused by the accident, promptly notify the public and recall the problem food in circulation in an emergency manner, make overall arrangements to control the development of the situation nationwide, and protect the public's health and life safety to the greatest extent. Food is like having one's own " ID card". As long as the barcode on food is scanned on the POS machine, we can trace back to the place of origin, growth and even genes of food.
浣撶郴寤鴻鎰忎箟Significance of System Construction
鈥滄皯浠ラ涓哄ぉ鈥濓紝浣嗚繎鍑犲勾鐨勯鍝佸競鍦轟竴鍐嶅嚭鐜幫紝浣挎秷璐硅€呭咖蹇冨俊浠?鍔ㄨ緞寮曞彂琛屼笟鎬ч渿鍔紝椋熷搧閾劇殑鏁翠綋瀹夊叏鎬т篃涓€鍐嶈鎻愬強銆傞暱鏈熶互鏉ワ紝鍦ㄩ鍝佸畨鍏ㄦ帶鍒舵柟闈?鍥介檯涓婇€氱敤鐨勬柟娉曟槸HACCP (鍗卞鍒嗘瀽涓庡叧閿帶鍒剁偣)銆丟MP(鑹ソ鍔犲伐鎿嶄綔瑙勮寖)鍜孖S09000錛岃繖浜涙妧鏈富瑕佹槸瀵歸鍝佺殑鐢熶駭銆佸姞宸ョ幆澧冭繘琛屾帶鍒訛紝浠ョ‘淇濋鍝佸湪鏁翠釜鐢熶駭榪囩▼涓厤鍙楀彲鑳藉彂鐢熺殑鐢熺墿銆佸寲瀛︺€佺墿鐞嗗洜绱犵殑鍗卞錛屽皢鍙兘鍙戠敓鐨勫嵄瀹蟲秷闄ゅ湪鐢熶駭榪囩▼涓€傜洿鍒?997騫粹€滅柉鐗涚梾鈥濆彂鐢燂紝浜轟滑鎵嶅鎬誨埌浠ヤ笂鎶€鏈笉鑳藉鍦ㄦ祦閫氳繃紼嬪碑鍑虹幇鐨勯棶棰樿繘琛岀洃鎺э紝騫跺湪闂鍙戠墰鍚庡揩閫熴€佹樊紜湴鎵懼嚭闂鏍規簮鎵€鍦紝浠庤€屽強鏃墮噯鍙栨湁鏁堟帾鏂斤紝鍑忓皯瀵逛漢浠殑鏇村ぇ鎹熷錛屽茍鏄庣‘銆佽拷絀剁浉鍏充富浣撶殑璐d換銆傚洜姝わ紝瀵歸鍝佷粠鐢熶駭鍒版秷璐圭殑渚涘簲閾捐繘琛屽叏紼嬭窡韙紝紜繚鍦ㄩ棶棰樺彂鐢熷悗鑳藉榪涜榪芥函錛屾垚涓虹洃鎺ч鍝佸畨鍏ㄣ€佷繚闅滄秷璐硅€呭仴搴風殑蹇呰鎵嬫錛岃€岃繖涔熸鏄箍澶ф秷璐硅€呯殑鏈熸湜鎵€鍦ㄣ€傚湪榪欑鎯呭喌涓?嬈х洘涓鴻В鍐蟲闂錛岄€愭寤虹珛騫跺畬鍠勮搗鏉ョ殑椋熷搧瀹夊叏綆$悊鍒跺害渚挎槸鏈€鏃╃殑椋熷搧瀹夊叏婧簮浣撶郴銆傝繖濂楅鍝佸畨鍏ㄧ鐞嗗埗搴︾敱鏀垮簻榪涜鎺ㄥ姩錛岃鐩栭鍝佺敓浜у熀鍦般€侀鍝佸姞宸ヤ紒涓氥€侀鍝佺粓绔攢鍞瓑鏁翠釜椋熷搧浜т笟閾炬潯鐨勪笂涓嬫父錛岄€氳繃綾諱技閾惰鍙栨鏈虹郴緇熺殑涓撶敤紜歡璁懼榪涜淇℃伅鍏變韓錛屾湇鍔′簬鏈€緇堟秷璐硅€呫€?quot; Food is the most important thing for the people", but the food market has appeared repeatedly in recent years, making consumers worried, causing frequent industrial shocks, and the overall safety of the food chain has been mentioned again and again. For a long time, HACCP ( Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ), GMP ( Good Manufacturing Practice ) and IS09000 have been widely used in food safety control. These technologies mainly control the production and processing environment of food to ensure that food is protected from possible biological, chemical and physical factors during the whole production process and possible hazards are eliminated in the production process. It was not until the " mad cow disease" occurred in 1997 that people realized that the above technologies could not monitor the problems occurring in the circulation process, and quickly and surely find out the root causes of the problems after the problems occurred, so as to take effective measures in time to reduce greater damage to people and to clarify and investigate the responsibilities of relevant subjects. Therefore, tracking the entire food supply chain from production to consumption to ensure traceability after problems occur becomes a necessary means to monitor food safety and protect consumers' health, and this is exactly what consumers expect. Under such circumstances, in order to solve this problem, the European Union has gradually established and perfected a food safety management system, which is the earliest food safety traceability system. This set of food safety management system is promoted by the government and covers the upstream and downstream of the entire food industry chain including food production bases, food processing enterprises and food terminal sales. Information is shared through special hardware equipment similar to bank teller machine systems to serve the end consumers.
鍥藉鐮旂┒鐨勭幇鐘禖urrent Situation of Foreign Studies
嬈х洘鏄渶鏃╃殑椋熷搧瀹夊叏榪芥函浣撶郴鐨勫緩绔嬭€咃紝鐢變簬鐤墰鐥呯殑钄撳歡錛屾棭鍦?20 涓栫邯 90 騫翠唬錛屾鐩熷悇鍥戒究寮€濮嬩簡瀵圭墰鑲夎川閲忓畨鍏ㄧ殑榪芥函錛屽茍涓旂悍綰峰婧簮緋葷粺榪涜鐮旂┒銆傜粡榪囧崄鍑犲勾鐨勬帰绱㈠拰瀹炶返搴旂敤錛屾鐩熷悇鍥藉凡緇忓艦鎴愭瘮杈冨畬鍠勭殑椋熷搧榪芥函浣撶郴錛屽疄鐜頒簡鈥滀粠鍐滃満鍒伴妗屸€濈殑鍏ㄨ繃紼嬭川閲忕洃綆★紱2004 騫達紝嬈х洘瀹e竷錛氫粠涓嬩竴騫村勾鍒濆紑濮嬶紝鍑″湪嬈х洘甯傚満閿€鍞殑姘翠駭綾婚鍝佷笂蹇呴』瑕佹湁鍙拷婧爣絳撅紱2007 騫達紝嬈х洘瀹炴柦浜嗛€氳繃榪芥函椋熷搧鍚勪釜鍏抽敭鐐逛俊鎭殑 鈥淭race鈥?宸ョ▼錛岃宸ョ▼鐨勫畻鏃ㄦ槸閫氳繃閲囬泦椋熷搧鐢熶駭榪囩▼涓殑鍏抽敭淇℃伅鏉ュ椋熷搧婧愬ご榪涜榪芥函鏌ヨ銆俆he European Union is the earliest founder of the food safety traceability system. Due to the spread of mad cow disease, as early as the 1990s, European Union countries began to trace the quality and safety of beef and began to study the traceability system one after another. After more than ten years of exploration and practical application, European Union countries have formed relatively perfect food traceability systems, realizing the whole process of quality supervision from farm to dining table. In 2004, the EU announced that from the beginning of the next year, all aquatic products sold in the EU market must have traceable labels. In 2007, the European Union implemented the " Trace" project to trace the information of key points in food. The purpose of this project is to trace the source of food by collecting key information in the food production process.
鏃ユ湰鍦ㄩ鍝佽拷婧柟闈㈢殑鐮旂┒涓庡簲鐢ㄤ竴鐩存瘮杈冪獊鍑猴紝涓嶄粎鍒跺畾浜嗗畬鍠勭殑娉曞緥娉曡錛屽湪瀹炶返鏂歸潰涔熷彇寰椾簡涓嶅皬鐨勬垚緇┿€?005 騫達紝鏃ユ湰灝卞緩绔嬩簡綺浜у搧璁よ瘉浣撶郴錛岃浣撶郴瑕佹眰瀵圭敵璇瘋姹傝璇佺殑綺浜у搧瑕佸鍏舵墍鏂界敤鐨勫寲鑲ョ殑鍚嶇О銆佺敤閲忕瓑淇℃伅榪涜鏄庣‘鏍囪瘑銆侸apan's research and application in food traceability have been quite outstanding. It has not only formulated perfect laws and regulations, but also made great achievements in practice. In 2005, Japan established a food product certification system, which requires that food products applying for certification be clearly marked with information such as the name and amount of chemical fertilizer applied.
2002 騫寸編鍥藉浗浼氶€氳繃浜嗐€婄敓鐗╂亹鎬栦富涔夋硶浠ゃ€嬶紝璇ヨ瀹氭寚鍑哄湪 2006 騫?12 鏈堝墠錛岀編鍥芥湰鍦熺殑椋熷搧鎴栬€呰繘鍙i鍝侀兘蹇呴』閫氳繃浜у搧涓婄殑鎵規鍙楓€佷唬鐮佸彿鎴栬€呭叾浠栦換浣曞艦寮忕殑鏈夋晥淇℃伅浠ュ強璁板綍鏉ュ鐢熶駭鍘熸枡榪涜榪芥函錛涚編鍥介鍝佽嵂鍝佺洃鐫g鐞嗗眬涓轟簡渚夸簬瀵歸鍝佺殑瀹夊叏榪涜榪芥函錛岃姹傚湪 2003 騫?12鏈堜腑鏃互鍓嶏紝鍦ㄧ編鍥戒粠浜嬮鍝佺浉鍏充駭涓氱殑閮ㄩ棬錛岄兘蹇呴』鍚戝叾榪涜鐧昏錛?011 騫寸編鍥介甯冪殑銆奆DA椋熷搧瀹夊叏鐜頒唬娉曟銆嬭姹備紒涓氬繀欏誨皢涓庨鍝佺浉鍏崇殑璁板綍榪涜瀛樻。錛屽茍涓斿?。妗堣嚊_皯淇濈暀 2 騫淬€侷n 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the Bioterrorism Act, which states that before December 2006, domestic food or imported food must be traced back to the raw materials of production through the batch number, code number or any other form of valid information and records on the product. In order to facilitate traceability of food safety, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires all departments engaged in food-related industries in the United States to register with them before the middle of December 2003. The FDA Food Safety Modern Act promulgated in the United States in 2011 requires enterprises to file food-related records and keep the files for at least 2 years.
鍥藉唴鐮旂┒鐨勭幇鐘禖urrent Situation of Domestic Research
鐩稿浜庝互涓婂嚑涓彂杈懼浗瀹訛紝鎴戝浗瀵逛簬婧簮緋葷粺鐨勮璇嗕笌璧鋒杈冩櫄錛屾渶鏃╃殑婧簮緋葷粺浣撶郴濮嬩簬 2002 騫達紝涔嬪悗鍦ㄤ笉鏂殑鎺㈢儲涓庡簲鐢ㄤ腑錛屾垜鍥戒篃闄嗙畫鍒惰浜嗙浉鍏蟲硶寰嬫硶瑙勫茍閫愭瀵瑰悇娉曞緥娉曡榪涜瀹屽杽鍜屾敼榪涖€?003 騫?8 鏈堬紝鍗敓閮ㄥ叕甯冧簡銆婇鍝佸畨鍏ㄨ鍔ㄨ鍒掋€嬶紝璇ヨ鍒掔殑涓昏鐩殑鏄€″鏈潵浜斿勾涓浗鐨勯鍝佸畨鍏ㄥ伐浣滐紱銆婁腑鍗庝漢姘戝叡鍜屽浗鍐滀駭鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄦ硶銆嬭嚜 2006 騫?11 鏈?1 鏃ヨ搗鏂借錛岃娉曞緥瑙勫畾鍥藉灝嗛€愭瀹炶鍐滀駭鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄨ拷婧埗搴︼紝瀵瑰啘浜у搧瀹炵幇鏈夋晥鐨勨€滃啘鐢板埌槨愭鈥濈殑鍏ㄨ繃紼嬬洃綆★紝浠庤€屼繚璇佸啘浜у搧鐨勮川閲忓畨鍏紱2009 騫達紝鎴戝浗鍑哄彴浜嗐€婂ぇ綾熾€?GB1354-2009)錛屽澶х背鐨勫垎綾匯€佽川閲忔爣鍑嗕互鍙婃嫻嬫寚鏍囩瓑鍐呭閮藉仛鍑轟簡鐩稿叧瑕佹眰錛涘悓騫達紝涓轟簡瀹屽杽瀵歸鍝佷笌鍐滀駭鍝佺殑婧簮瑙勮寖錛屻€婁駭鍝佸彲婧簮鎬х粺涓€瑙勮寖銆嬩笌銆婂啘浜у搧婧簮淇℃伅鏍囪瘑涓庣紪鐮佹妧鏈€嬬浉緇у嚭鍙般€侰ompared with the above several developed countries, our country's understanding and starting of traceability system is relatively late. The earliest traceability system began in 2002, and after continuous exploration and application, our country has also gradually formulated relevant laws and regulations and gradually improved and perfected various laws and regulations. In August 2003, the Ministry of Health announced the Food Safety Action Plan, the main purpose of which is to advocate food safety work in China in the next five years. The " Law of the People's Republic of China on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products" will come into force on November 1, 2006. The law stipulates that the country will gradually implement a traceability system for quality and safety of agricultural products to effectively supervise the whole process of " farmland to dining table", thus ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products. In 2009, China issued " Rice" ( GB1354-2009 ), which made relevant requirements for rice classification, quality standards and testing indicators. In the same year, in order to improve the traceability standard for food and agricultural products, the unified standard for traceability of products and the identification and coding technology for traceability information of agricultural products were successively published.
鏈変簡瀹屽鐨勬硶寰嬫硶瑙勪綔涓轟緷鎵橈紝鎴戝浗瀛﹁€呬篃瀵瑰ぇ綾蟲函婧愪綋緋昏〃鐜板嚭浜嗘瀬澶х殑鐮旂┒鐑儏銆?009騫達紝鍒橀箯絳夊埄鐢?EPC 緙栫爜浣撶郴錛岀爺絀跺嚭浜嗗ぇ綾寵拷婧紪鐮佹柟妗堬紱2014 騫撮檲鐩婅兘絳変漢鍒╃敤 RFID鏃犵嚎灝勯璇嗗埆鎶€鏈紝瀵瑰ぇ綾沖緩绔嬩簡鍩轟簬鏈夋満 RFID 鐨勬函婧愮郴緇燂紱2015 騫達紝閭靛湥鏋濈瓑閫氳繃紼沖畾鍚屼綅绱犺川璋卞拰絳夌瀛愬彂灝勫厜璋辮川璋辨硶鏉ュ澶х背鐨勫悓浣嶇礌涓庡鍏冪礌鐨勪駭鍦扮壒寰佽繘琛屽垎鏋愶紱2016 騫達紝閮戠伀鍥戒互椋熷搧閾劇悊璁轟負鍩虹錛屾彁鍑轟簡椋熷搧瀹夊叏榪芥函閾劇殑灞傛妯″瀷銆俁elying on complete laws and regulations, Chinese scholars have also shown great enthusiasm for the research of rice traceability system. In 2009, Liu Peng and others developed a rice traceability coding scheme using EPC coding system. In 2014, Chen Yineng and others established a traceability system for rice based on organic RFID using RFID wireless radio frequency identification technology. In 2015, Shao Shengzhi and others used stable isotope mass spectrometry and plasma emission spectrometry to analyze the origin characteristics of isotopes and multiple elements in rice. In 2016, Zheng Huoguo put forward a hierarchical model of food safety traceability chain based on the food chain theory.
鍦ㄥ疄璺墊柟闈㈡垜鍥戒篃鍙戝睍榪呴€燂紝鍚勫煄甯傞兘綰風悍寤虹珛浜嗚嚜宸辯殑椋熷搧瀹夊叏婧簮緋葷粺銆?007 騫達紝鎴戝浗棣栦釜鍏ㄧ悆閫氱敤鏍囪瘑緋葷粺鐨勫彲榪芥函浣撶郴鍦ㄥ寳浜競寮€濮嬭瘯瀹炴柦錛屾秷璐硅€呭彲浠ラ€氳繃鐩稿簲鐨勭粓绔澶囧澶х背絳変駭鍝佸寘瑁呰涓婄殑鏉″艦鐮佹垨鑰呮壒鍙瘋繘琛屾壂鎻忔潵鏌ヨ鍟嗗搧鐨勭敓浜у湴銆佸師鏉愭枡絳変俊鎭紱2012 騫達紝榛戦緳姹熷叓浜斾節鍐滃満 14 涓囦憨姘寸ɑ閫氳繃浜嗗啘涓氶儴銆婂啘浜у搧榪芥函欏圭洰瀹″畾銆嬶紝榪欓紺虹潃浠婂悗鍏簲涔濆啘鍦虹殑姘寸ɑ閮芥湁浜嗚嚜宸辯殑鈥滆韓浠借瘉鈥濓紱2015騫磋嚦浠婏紝浠ラ噸搴嗕簲鐩劇鎶€鏈夐檺鍏徃涓轟緥鐨勬暟瀹墮槻浼鎶€鍏徃鍙婄郴緇熼泦鎴愬晢宸茬殑寤虹珛浜嗘洿瀹屽杽浜у搧婧簮緋葷粺銆侷n practice, China has also developed rapidly, and cities have set up their own food safety traceability systems. In 2007, the traceability system of China's first global universal identification system began to be implemented in Beijing on a trial basis. Consumers can scan bar codes or batch numbers on packaging bags of rice and other products through corresponding terminal equipment to inquire about information such as the place of production and raw materials of commodities. In 2012, 140,000 mu of rice in Heilongjiang 859 Farm passed the " Examination and Approval of Agricultural Products Traceability Project" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, which indicates that all rice in 859 Farm will have their own " ID cards". Since 2015, several anti-counterfeiting technology companies and system integrators, taking Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd as an example, have established a more perfect product traceability system.