UHF 瓚呴珮棰?/strong>Inlay錛?/strong>
UHF錛堣秴楂橀錛夊埄鐢ㄥ叾璇昏窛榪滅殑鎶€鏈壒鐐癸紝涓€鑸繍鐢ㄤ簬鐗╂祦銆佺洏鐐廣€佷粨搴撶鐞嗙瓑棰嗗煙銆備緥濡傦細鏈嶈銆侀厭紿栫鐞嗐€佸嚭鍏ュ簱鎵歸噺緹よ銆侀┈鎷夋澗璺戞璁℃椂絳夌瓑銆傞€氳繃蹇€熴€佺簿鍑嗙殑鎵歸噺璇嗚錛屾潵瀹炵幇鎻愰珮宸ヤ綔鏁堢巼銆佽妭綰︿漢宸ユ垚鏈€佹彁楂樼鐞嗙簿鍑嗗害絳夌洰鐨勩€傚緢澶氬浗闄呮湇瑁呭搧鐗屾棭鍦ㄥ嚑騫翠互鍓嶅氨寮€濮嬩簡瀵筓HF鐢靛瓙鏍囩鐨勪嬌鐢ㄣ€傚搴楅摵闈㈢Н灝忓垯800-1000騫籌紝澶х殑鍒欐湁2000-3000騫熾€俇HF(ultra-high frequency) uses its technical features of distance reading and is generally used in logistics, inventory, warehouse management and other fields. For example: clothing, wine cellar management, bulk reading out of the library, marathon running timing and so on. Through rapid and accurate batch reading, to improve work efficiency, labor cost, improve management accuracy and other purposes. Many international clothing brands began using UHF electronic tags several years ago. If the shop area is small, it is 800-1000 flat, and if it is large, it is 2000-3000 flat.
鏄捐€屾槗瑙侊紝浣跨敤浼犵粺鐨勭洏鐐瑰強綆$悊妯″紡錛屽伐浣滈噺鍙涓€鏂戙€備嬌鐢║HF鐢靛瓙鏍囩鍚庯紝鍙渶瑕佷竴涓伐浣滀漢鍛橈紝鎵嬫寔璇誨彇鍣紝鍦ㄥ簵閾哄唴璧頒竴鍦堛€傚簵鍐呬駭鍝佹暟閲忥紝鎵€緙轟駭鍝佸瀷鍙楓€侀鑹層€佸昂鐮佺瓑淇℃伅鐬棿灝變細瀹屾垚鑷姩緇熻鍙婃樉紺恒€傜敋鑷寵揣鐗╂憜鏀懼尯鍩熼兘浼氬湪緋葷粺涓竴涓€鏄劇ず銆備篃甯姪浼佷笟錛屽搴楅摵瀹炵幇綺懼噯綆$悊銆侽bviously, using the traditional inventory and management model, the workload can be seen. After using the UHF electronic tag, only one staff member is required to hold the reader and walk around the shop. The number of products in the store, the missing product model, color, size and other information will be automatically counted and displayed in an instant. Even the cargo placement area will be displayed in the system one by one. It also helps enterprises to achieve accurate management of stores.