鐢辨垜鍙歌嚜涓葷爺鍙戠殑 NFC鑺墖闃蹭吉鍟嗘埛绔郴緇熶簬2019騫?鏈堜喚姝e紡嫻嬭瘯鎴愬姛騫朵笂綰匡紝浜?020騫?鏈堜喚鑾峰緱涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥藉浗瀹剁増鏉冨眬棰佸彂鐨勩€奛FC鑺墖闃蹭吉鍟嗘埛绔郴緇烿1.0銆嬭綆楁満杞歡钁椾綔鏉冪櫥璁拌瘉涔︼紝璇佷功緙栧彿錛氳蔣钁楃櫥瀛楃5064497鍙楓€俆he NFC chip anti-counterfeiting merchant end system independently developed by our company was officially tested and put on line in March 2019. In February 2020, the company obtained the computer software copyright registration certificate of "NFC chip anti-counterfeiting
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧--鍏ㄧ悆鏅鴻兘鑺墖闃蹭吉渚涘簲鍟嗭紝鏄竴瀹朵笓涓氫粠浜婻FID\NFC絳夎姱鐗囧簲鐢ㄩ鍩熺爺鍙戠殑楂樼鎶€鍏徃錛屽叕鍙糕€滀竴縐嶅祵鍏ヨ姱鐗囩殑鐜葷拑鍣ㄧ毧鈥濊幏鍥藉涓撳埄鎺堟潈銆侰hongqing wudun technology, a global supplier of smart chip anti-counterfeiting, is a high-tech company specializing in the research and development of RFID\NFC and other chip applications. the company "a kind of glassware embedded in chips" is authorized by the state patent.