2018騫?鏈?鏃ワ紝鐢遍噸搴嗕簲鐩劇鎶€鏈夐檺鍏徃寮€鍙戠殑銆婁簲鐩懼尯鍧楅摼闃蹭吉婧簮緋葷粺銆嬭幏鎵圭敱涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥藉浗瀹剁増鏉冨眬棰佸彂鐨勮綆楁満杞歡钁椾綔鏉冪櫥璁拌瘉涔︺€侽n June 5, 2018, the " Five Shield Block Chain security traceability System" developed by Chongqing Five Shield Technology Co., Ltd. was approved with the computer software copyright registration certificate issued by the State Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐙珛寮€鍙戠殑閽堝浜у搧闃蹭吉銆侀槻紿滆揣絳夌浉鍏寵蔣浠剁郴緇熶簬2018騫?鏈?8鏃ヨ幏鎵逛腑鍗庝漢姘戝叡鍜屽浗鍥藉鐗堟潈灞€棰佸彂鐨勫洓欏光€滆綆楁満杞歡钁椾綔鏉冪櫥璁拌瘉涔︹€濄€侽n may 28, 2018, Chongqing wudun science and technology co., ltd. independently developed four " computer software copyright registration certificates" issued by the national copyright administration of the people's Republic of China for anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting related softwa